Harbor House Events

…And the BEAT Goes On! 15th Anniversary

Posted - May 30, 2024

Celebrate Harbor House’s 15th anniversary on Saturday September 28th at 6:00 p.m. at Rochester Museum and Science Center on East Avenue. Listen as former Rochester...


Superbowl Squares 2024!

Posted - January 10, 2024

We’re offering a $50 grid and a $25 grid. Choose your squares today for a chance to win! How it works: Once all the squares...


Take Heart for American Heart Month February 2nd!

Posted - August 14, 2023

Before the big game kickoff on the 9th, we hope you will ‘Take Heart!’ and join us for a very special kickoff to American Heart...


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How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. Every donation helps us to keep our house open.

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All you need is love…It takes all different types of personalities, skills and gifts to run our house Share the love.

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